Member-only story
Sarah: The Mother of Nations
Sarah, the wife of Abraham, discovered the truth that with God, anything is possible. Despite being 90 years old and past the age of childbearing, her faith allowed her to see the miracle of giving birth to her son, Isaac. Sarah struggles from doubt and impatience to laughing at God’s promise of a child. She learns to trust in God. Through her story, we can see that God remained faithful to her as He will with us today.
Sarah, which means princess was the half-sister of Abraham and later became his wife. Sarah left her home (Genesis 12:5) and followed Abraham. We can read about Sarah in many places where she is being submissive to her husband. In 1 Peter 3:6, it reads, “as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror”.
According to Matthew Henry’s Commentary, this verse means Of Sara, who obeyed her husband, and followed him when he went from Ur of the Chaldeans, not knowing whither he went, and called him lord, thereby showing him reverence and acknowledging his superiority over her; and all this though she was declared a princess by God from heaven, by the change of her name, “Whose daughters you are if you imitate her in faith and good works, and do not, through fear of your husbands, either quit the truth you profess or neglect your duty to them, but readily perform it, without either fear or…